Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mysteryville 1

3.5 out of 5 Stars 

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek
Console: PC Games

Your name is Laura now and your a journalist who wants to write an article about Mysteryville.

You have to find items in the scenes for apparently people who are to lazy or blind to find them on their own.  Some you seek via flashlight and others you really have to squint to see into the photograph.

Your adventure is the crime of some local cats are missing and no one has answers.

You meet the local waitress, a nutty professor, a creepy museum caretaker, a felon pilot, a Chinese man who loves to give you mystery potions that you don't question before taking,  a stranger, a nun that is no help and an FBI agent in your mini-story of 21 levels long.

And let's not forget the fortune teller!

This story would have been a drawn out feature if they wanted too, but the best part of the story?  The FBI agent looks like Billy Ray Cyrus in disguise.  Ha~ha.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

It only took 29 games in of the Nancy Drew series to finally have Nancy Drew get off her butt and investigate what exactly happened to her mother.  Was her death an accident?  Was she really dead?  Who did it?

As much as we wished one of those scenarios weren't real it was great to finally hear more about early Nancy with her mother Kate.

Welcome to Scotland!

You must still find the "bad guy/girl" but you also meet familiar faces and ones fighting on the same side as the "good guys".

The ending was special, but the outtakes weren't as funny.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Public Enemies - Bonnie and Clyde Extended Edition

4.5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hidden Games, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

The best part of the adventure is the ending where everything comes together, but listening to the story of Bonnie & Clyde and all the trouble they gave law enforcement back in the day was just as thrilling to collect.

Some of the items are located to match the darkness so lighten up your screen as much as you can, but there will be plently of HELP stars if you get stuck.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mountain Trap - The Manor of Memories

4.5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Your girlfriend Amy is getting married, but before she takes the plunge you and she go skiing close to the haunted manor near the mountain top.

You loose communication with Amy who stayed on the slopes when you returned to your hotel ~ so like any good Friend you track her down.  Which brings you to the deserted haunted manor.

Only to encounter a ghostly bride who was imprisoned by a love-struck cousin (that's right I said COUSIN) who didn't want her to marry.

You help her hoping this will lead you to your missing Friend and you travel through the manor (inside and out) finding mysterious items that could break the bride free.

Along the way you find Amy unconscious and must break the spell the cousin (dead ghostly cousin) has over her with the items.

Surprise twist, which I liked, but the 'to be continued..." I didn't.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hide & Secret 4: The Lost World

3.5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games
Console: PC Games

The fun continues with Will and Anna who are joined by a kidnapped Professor Columbia and Brad Pitt look-a-like Lord Rockwood and a Captain Winters.  Don't worry too much about them they pretty much sit this game out.

Jacques is up to his old tricks of trying to get immortality and his victim is Professor Columbia.

Through hide & seek you get valuable clues and items to continue to solve her release.  There is a side adventure where you help a local Chief find his family, but you can't get lost in locations.

Will Anna and Will stop Jacques and save the professor from her fate?

PS:  If you ever get lost (only locating one last mechanism for the telescope) there is several good walkthroughs online.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hide & Secret 2: Cliffhanger Castle

3 out of 5 Stars


Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games
Console: PC Games

This is the 2nd installment of the Hide & Secret games where Anna and Will act like a poor man's Tombraider adventure to uncover treasures.

This time your working with Merlin (yes that one) to locate armor of the one and only King Arthur of Camelot.  Then find the Excalibur which will save the world of today, but can only first be used by an heir in the bloodline.

Trouble with this game is the limited HINTS offered.  Also trying to locate some of the items are so hard that you get frustrated and want to turn off the game.  The plus side is when you run out of hints and still can't find everything you can restart the chapter and hope not to get the item that made you upset.

The main annoying thing is Merlin who pops up when you click too many times on the screen.

I would have given this game a 2.5, but the story was mangled, but still interesting to follow through.  Also when you complete the game you can go through the story without all the additional work.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Jodie Drake and the World in Peril!

5 out of 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games
Console: PC Games

Your a freelance reporter, named Jodie, who is sent to photograph amazing artifacts from what seems like lost locations.

Then one day a man hires you to continue the photos and locate the mystery location where a civilization that was lost once was.

But there is an alternative motive!  Isn't there always?  Ha~ha.

You travel to several locations and the mini games in between are mixed up are varied so your not bored with the same style.

Some of the items are hard to find, but since there is no penalty in clicking everywhere that is the alternative to using the HINT button.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Deadtime Stories

41/2 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games
Console: PC Games

Do you mess with Voodoo and not remember that there is always equal justice for those who abuse it?

Your doing the bidding of a rich woman, who refuses to pay for your services!  You'll will fix her wagon!

Along the way, however, you must help the souls trapped in several Louisiana locations.  You will collect ingredients and correctly put them together back in your shed at your home.

Great voice, info about voodoo and you really can't get lost, but be ready to ride in your carriage to several locations to gather what you need to solve puzzles to go forward.

Angel Code

3 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games, Angels
Console: PC Games

Your a reporter who needs to locate the "Holy Grail" because it is your destiny!  And God is sending you her own personal guardian Angel to help you! 


You're following up on the leads an old priest started on the search and you overall the story is fast paced, but some of the items to find are outlined in total darkness where the only way you can find them is clicking all the area or use the HINT button.

The ending?  "What?  That's it?" Basically it stopped short where a little animation would have lessen my disappointment how short it was and there wasn't even a choice by the player to see if 

SPOILER ALERT BELOW:  Highlight below to view

our dear Raphael becomes human or remains an angel.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Vampire Mansion Collectors Edition

3 out of 5 Stars


Category: Video Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hidden Games, Vampire
Console: PC Games

Above is a screen shot of our "Hero's" of the game trying to stop an evil group of people resurrect the one and only Cain from Cain and Abel.  And yes that dude is a Vampire.

We are searching for the mysterious rare books, but later find out it is to an ancient spell to bring a very pissed off Cain back for payback.

You need a special book, blood from a descent, and a body to hold him (a~la the vampire).

Can you trust your teammate or will you discover your own truth?

In some of this hide-and-seek and the annoying mind Mastermind game where you have to find the right pattern of marbles and the right colors to boot with some many chances to figure it out.

Some items are darken in the scene to find and you can click until your hearts content because there is no clock to find the items.  If you need help there is a HINT button, of course.

The BONUS scenes are like 5 and BORING. 

Linda should have let Tom do one thing ~ get to the end to see what she turned down. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Play Vacation Quest - The Hawaiian Islands

4 out of 5 Stars

SPOILER ALERT:  This is all you get at the end.

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Educational
Console: PC Games

In this educational game that cost me only .99 cents to play I learned several facts about Hawaii that you can easily look up on the Internet.

True having the find the hidden objects (including several shells to open the additional levels) does encourage your brain in top shape, but the ending just left me flat.

Now if they kicked in a 'pop quiz' of all you learned or even real animation and not just some simple photo (above) of a fake you leaving on a private jet it might have made me slightly in a better mood.

Overall I think the concept of attaching facts with the game and learning something new is a great start and should do it for every state and country to broaden the horizon of those who don't know.

A hui hou kakou (Until we meet again).

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

Again, another Nancy Drew where your trying to solve the mysterious crime of a missing woman, who was on the eve of her wedding.  There is no ransom notes and no signs she got cold feet.

Nancy must investigate!

She encounters a group of characters who are related by blood and a confused fiancee.

The downfall of this story is there is parts that you seriously just don't know what to do ~ and fricken clocks riddles are annoying.

The upside?  Your employed and three separate endings to encounter.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Natural Threat Ominous Shores

41/2 of of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

You've gone and become another assistant to some mad scientist who now wants to combine the properties of plant life with humans.

It was created to help his granddaughter, but now the vines have your Friends trapped and you must located them and find the clues on how to save them from their fate.

There was two bugs, which could be disk related, in the game, which is the repeat the keys (like Simon Says) and one more area, which I can't recall, but if you just wait you can SKIP the scene and still get the prize.

You will be skipping a lot if you get frustrated over mini-games.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hide & Secret 3: Pharaoh's Quest

2 out of 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

OMG!  This game has no time limits and you can click around to find all the hidden items as much as you want without getting penalized.  What fun is that?

The story had potential as your trying to reunite the Pharaoh and his Queen in the afterlife after grave robbers snatched their goods and spread it around.

Even the ending left felt ripped off as there is no explosions ~ no animation ~ just a 'You Did It' type message.

Most of the time I found more HINT triangles than I actually could use.  Most of your adventure was from the main screen going to other countries over and over again.


Whispered Stories - Sandman

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

When battling the mysterious Sandman there is nothing short of adventure.

Your there to rescue the beautiful Mary, your Friend, and doing so you must bring the Sandman with some magical elixir.

There is wonderful haunting music and the mini-games are semi-challenging, but the one that you might find annoying is the last one where your adjusting switches to levels while Mary is whining.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Treasures of Mystery Island The Ghost Ship

5 out of 5

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

This game is not only time consuming it is enjoyable from the story line to the awesome animation at the ending.

Your a reporter who is working a story for your editor about a 'ghost island' and when you get trapped on the island you learn you must stop the island from being wiped out from a huge tidal wave.

You do this by locating various items, which include items from the last voyage of a sunken ship.

Hint:  Be ready with a scrap of paper on a figuring out a few of the puzzles.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Epic Escapes Dark Seas

2 out of 5 Stars


Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

OMG!  This game could have been so much better if they worked on the story line a little harder.

You feel you've experienced a past life?  How about someone else's past life?

This is what happens when someone who feared drowning tried to overcome that fear by booking a cruise and ending up helping the stranger from the past.

Oddly Enough Pied Piper

4 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Fairy Tales
Console: PC Games

This game took me less than an hour.  

The find the hidden objects were based on the photo image not the word.

Your helping out a little town who double crossed the one and only Pied Piper who learned his flute can control more than just mice, but children.

Your the ambassador to pay the blackmail money, get the kids and stop Piper with any other plans he has to harm the town.

There is many who will enjoy using the 'SKIP' button when it comes to the puzzles, but just take the extra time and play them.  Don't get the urge to just press the button and follow with the game.

Lost Lagoon 2

4 out 4 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Mystery, Paranormal
Console: PC Games

Don't you just hate it when your on vacation enjoying that yacht and some mysterious whale looking thing swims by and knocks you onto a semi-deserted isle?

Where you wake up with some gnarly tattoo and you have to make your way off all by yourself?

Interesting is the 'find the hidden items' sections also include a combo two items on screen to locate a very hidden item in the puzzles.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ghost Encounters - Deadwood

5 out 5 Stars

click 2 Enlarge

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Mystery, Paranormal
Console: PC Games

Welcome to Deadwood where some folks thought disturbing a grave and releasing a deadly curse upon the town was a good idea.  #Sarcasm.

You must stop Blackjack before your the next victim!

There is only two spots that seem to leave you with ...what do I do now, but if you still can't get it then there are several wonderful visual walkthroughs available online.

Friday, July 5, 2013


4 out 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Mystery, Paranormal
Console: PC Games

Congrats!  Your an old time Ghost Buster called a Ghost Fighter who must defeat a warlock from creating havoc on more innocent people in the game of come and get me if you can.

The only reason this game didn't receive a 5 out of 5 is because the ending as exciting as it is ~ the last moments of the game where you meet someone from your past is brief and it feels as if the game just ends without much of a thrill.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Snark Busters High Society

4 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Mystery, Paranormal
Console: PC Games

This is part of a collection of the same style of game, but all with different stories.

In this story your trapped to search the evil Duchess to locate clue to prove your fiancee innocence of an alleged stolen locket.

You may get stuck in to what to do next, but if you accept the help from the HINTS you will get back on path.

Does love prevail?  Is the fiancee innocent after all?  Where did the Duchess get the hat?  What is a Snark and why is there a club called the Snark Busters?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vampire Saga Break Out

 4 out of 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Mystery, Paranormal
Console: PC Games

Your a doctor trying to grieve for his daughter who died while on a mission to find out what the mysterious illness taking over a little town.

It's a small story line where the basics are there and you have to guess the rest of the story.  

There is a lot of backtracking and finding the hot spots are rather easy so you may get lost in the simple story, but you will have no trouble following the clues.