Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Labyrinths of the World: Lost Island Collector's Edition

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

Why else would a crazy villain want to do when he breaks out of prison, but want to control the World!

Suddenly cataclysmic events across the world coincide with your brother’s Simon disappearance and your called in to investigate.

Well, Dietrich (in photo) wants to destroy the secret society known as the Seekers for putting him IN prison and control the ability to travel through various worlds so he will never be caught again.

Oh!  And he's got your brother Simon hypnotized to do his bidding as a SEEKER can do things -- that criminals can't.

The puzzles are standard, where only one gave me a moment to work, but its the story of you wanting to chase down the guy who is trying to destroy the already established worlds and the AMAZING graphics and art style.  

This is one of collections that deals with SEEKERS and each it just as exciting as the next.

Each puzzle has an info button and a easy/hard mode to solve.

Collect them all.

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