Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mystery Tales: The Reel Horror - Collector's Edition

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

Poor Harold, a man on the police force, is convinced his sister Maya and her fellow building restorers are in danger and trapped in an abandoned movie theatre.

So we must bring in the best Paranormal Detective, that would be you by the way, to find out what is going on.

When does one cross the line?  Well, in Sebastian's story its when he wanted realism so bad that he would kill off the cast of his movies.

Sebastian feeds off others fears so he may return to the real world to create the best horror film of all time.

We have Gorilla's, Fire Jugglers, Hellhounds, Possessions, and even ghosts calling through a cell phone.

And in the BONUS:  What happens when he returns?  

Will there be a final curtain for this maddman?  Or will there be a trilogy in this games plan?

***The only Semi-Con in this game is it seems to go on forever with yet another room or location to investigate, but your paying for a game to get your money worth and I didn't mind overall when the story is this Wonderful.

Enchanted Kingdom: Fog of Rivershire Collectors Edition

You will come up to a chapter where the HINT message will tell you "there's nothing to do here" 

There is if the Spool of Thread didn't disappear so you can advance with the story.

I remember collecting it -- but not in inventory to help sew up the rubber to the smoker to scare off the bees.

Sad because I was really into the story and it was about Chapter 2 early in the story it all feel apart.

(unless they come out with a patch, but as of this date - none given)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Labyrinths of the World: Lost Island Collector's Edition

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

Why else would a crazy villain want to do when he breaks out of prison, but want to control the World!

Suddenly cataclysmic events across the world coincide with your brother’s Simon disappearance and your called in to investigate.

Well, Dietrich (in photo) wants to destroy the secret society known as the Seekers for putting him IN prison and control the ability to travel through various worlds so he will never be caught again.

Oh!  And he's got your brother Simon hypnotized to do his bidding as a SEEKER can do things -- that criminals can't.

The puzzles are standard, where only one gave me a moment to work, but its the story of you wanting to chase down the guy who is trying to destroy the already established worlds and the AMAZING graphics and art style.  

This is one of collections that deals with SEEKERS and each it just as exciting as the next.

Each puzzle has an info button and a easy/hard mode to solve.

Collect them all.