Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dark Strokes - Collector's Edition

5 out of 5 Stars - EDITORS CHOICE

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Here is the cast of characters that twist a story of an artist who was painting a Family portrait on a boat when a bad storm appears.  The rocking of the boat knocks over the son of the artist and when he jumps in to save him - it doesn't happen.

So out of grief and despair he makes a deal with a daemon (as it always happens) to get revenge on the others.

In the collectors edition it gives you the back story of the father, which you really don't need, but still a nice continuation of the game.

In the main game you play Ethan who must rescue his fiancee Clair who was kidnapped (again, it is always the way) and you find clues of who may have her and who also grabbed your father - The Judge.

The game is addictive and after a while you figure out the twist in this story and you also feel like the game will never end because of all the items you must do to get to the next section of the game.

Don't play all in one day - you'll be fine.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune

2 out of 5

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Sure you help two Prince's who were turned into frogs thanks to refusing to marry a ugly witch - and they are adorable as they try to help you find the solution to switch them back.

However, the story is short - predictable and in my case several times froze up.  It saved the game as I had to log off and restart the game. but it got annoying after the third time.

Good for teen girls.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness Platinum Edition

4 out of 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Fairy Tales, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Why can't a fairy tale have a nice story line that doesn't involve a witch?  Well, your in luck!  This time all you have to deal with is a demon.

Your a newlywed who just had a child and on her Christen a demon comes a calling to kidnap the baby in calling in a deal made by the Prince.  Thar's right it's all his fault for making a deal - yet its your job as the Queen to track him down - rescue the baby and make sure that demon doesn't come back again.

The platinum addition has a bonus scene, but not really worth it, unless you also enjoy checking out the music and artwork and such.  You can be happy with how the original ending happening.

Monday, December 15, 2014

1912 Titanic Mystery

3 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Thirty one rooms to explore all awhile your trying to prevent a bomb being placed on the 100 year anniversary of the Titanic.

Apparently the story of Jack and Rose wasn't the only love story on the boat as you will read parts of a diary of another love story as you clear the room of seeking items.

At first you think you won't have enough HINTS (as life savors) but as you continue and continue and continue the game you will find them items easier and easier.

The ending isn't as scary so if you need to SKIP over some of the harder mini-games - go ahead.  

The Bonus section gives you a chance to go back and try all the puzzles at your own pace and also wallpaper from the scenes.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Shtriga Summer Camp

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Your tracking down a Shtriga (see above) to try to find a missing child named Peter who mother believes has been kidnapped.

At the same Summer Camp several people have been getting sick, missing and died.

The mother believes something supernatural his happened since her son spoke of people who he can see and she couldn't.

Will you save the boy?

The game has several rooms to investigate - if you think through how to solve the puzzles you will find the pace of the game.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mexicana Deadly Holiday

4.5 out of 5 Stars


Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

It's a mixture of the night of the dead in Mexico and a love story.

Your Maria and your in love with Vitor (didn't misspell it - that's how its spelled) and yet he's dragged into another world and you must travel to save him.

Oh by the way you learn your daughter of a God and you need to save your mother (above) who was kidnapped by Vitor's mother Salma.  What a tangled web......

You can pass over most of the time wasting games with a click of the button.

Small Town Terrors Pilgrims Hook Collectors Edition

4 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

You return to Pilgrims Hook as Vera seeking your twin brother who seemed to have disappeared.  The entire town seemed to be missing except for a few that remain.

You find out there is a octopus's type creature that takes possession of a human to bring all his other creatures to infect other humans to take over the world.

The Collectors edition includes a 'set up' story line so you don't need to purchase the extra to have a good ending from the main game.

Portal of Evil Stolen Runes Collectors Edition

5 out of 5 Stars - EDITORS CHOICE


Category: PC Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

The book explains it all.  Evil comes ever 600 years to try to steal some Holy Seals to bring evil to life. 

You play Vanessa Van Helsing who has been to investigate some theft at this private religious Order where her grandfather has been a part of and now is missing.  Only one who carries the same blood is able to break through all the clues and locate the missing man.

You must find the stolen 4 Seals and also have to find the criminal who wants to bring demons to our world.

You want to get the Collectors Edition so you can get to some more action into the story.  Without the extra pack you won't find out if she got the bad guy and found her grandfather.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mind Snares Alices Journey

4 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

I would have made it 5 Stars if not fort he ending, which just ends.

The story line is not only entertaining, but it also serves a purpose to all who forget that no matter if your Alice who has a bad boss, career and dreams that don't seem like they will ever come true.

You are reminded that the puppet master should not hold your fate, but make your own fate.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hope Lake

3 out of 5 Stars


Category: PC Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

What happens when a group of boarding school gets out of land and a prank kills one of their professors in front of her son?

REVENGE!  Years later.

Your a detective who on the trail to find Emily - the lastest kid kidnapped victim.  Peter, the son has mental issues and his latest issue is belief that if he takes the souls of ten people he can bring back his mother.  Based on an old Indian tale involving a magical necklace.

You must stop him.  You go from several locations gathering items and the only tip I can give you is use the HINT button a lot and to save on time use the COMPASS (acts like a map) that tells you where you are and what room needs your attention.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Insane Cold: Back to the Ice Age

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Category: PC Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

You play Jacob who is looking for the love of his life Helen who was abducted by Frost giants right in front of his eyes as he held on to the artifact he found at his side.  The artifact activated some old time evil and they wanted it back and so.....

So you learn (somehow since the shop owner never told you about the artifact - who we never do see in the first place) you can save people souls in the medallion type object as you seek a way to save the planet from turning into another ice age.

You will need to sometimes combine items to create the item your seeking in the search games and HINT is always there.

Lots of cool animation - just one tip.  When you arrive at the scene above you don't have to go back to the other rooms as the HINTS button suggests.  I never understood why - it doesn't help you at this point of the game.  Just click on the statues arm pit area and get a ice club and move ahead with the game.

You can't get lost as you will never be jumping back for something you missed in the game, but you will be jumping from room to room for the obvious things.

Amber's Tales The Isle Of Dead Ships


What started off with a wonderful adventure story of how a mysterious boat that cursed an island to be covered in salt - turned out to have a bug in their system (as of this date) and ruined the game.

You can search though out the internet that I'm not the only one with the issue that the pearl to be placed in toe roulette wheel keeps getting bounced back.