Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Other Side Tower of Souls

4 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

You're a detective that was transported to the magical tower that has been in ruins in the real world for over 200 years.

There is a girl Lily, whose been in a coma for nearly 30 years and her sister who is a witch.  You interact with them as you make your way through the tower bypassing those trapped in the tower.

They were brought to the tower to protect the wall to hold back the wall of the dead from entering our world.  It's an old alchemist story.

You do have a helper in the shape of a cat, which you can dress up.  I made mine look like Sherlock.

There is a "choice" ending, but remember to view the other ending you didn't choose you would have to replay the entire game through.  Or you can view the two ending on YouTube.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Love Alchemy: A Heart in Winter

3 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

If your wondering why 7 women are dead and your on the chopping block to die and be trapped inside an old castle - she's it.

When you spill the beans about a secret society who is willing to on purpose to start the plague to have some demon give you riches beyond your dreams to your girlfriend - don't be surprised if - to keep her quiet - she ends up dead.

Over time he had to gather 8 women who falls in love with him and in return he will get the love of his life back from the dead.

Awkward when you find out the plot and foil them, huh. LOL

There is also a new quirky item in the game where you get to choose your fate (on some level) and one sends you to the end of the game - the other to start from scratch.  So choose wisely.

You can finish this game within an hour - the puzzles aren't hard and the only tip I will give you is remember when seeking the last piece at the end - remember the ice chunk in the same room.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dark Strokes 2: The Legend of the Snow Kingdom

5 out of 5 Stars - EDITORS CHOICE

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

When Alan Wood was hanging out in the forest (Robin Hood type) and sees a carriage racing away from would-be abductors he steps in.  Inside is the very own Princess Adele.

Twist on several fairy tales you must save the Kingdom and save the Princess from the frost knights who are only after the Golden Apple.

Golden Apple is a powerful item that takes 18 years to form.

Back story:  A kingdom is is dire straights and when a mystery creature comes to offer a golden seed that will sprout golden leaves the King jumps at the offer.  Then finds out only the Queen can remove the leaves to keep them gold.

Thanks to the greed and grief after the Queen dies the King wants to break the contract - even after he learns the Princess can also pulls the leaves without being turned to stone as the curse states.

The BONUS CONTENT:  If you get it you learn the back story of our bad guy isn't as evil as he seems as he too has sorrow in his need for the Golden Apple.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Behind the Reflection

2.5 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

OMG!  In a flash your son disappears and you follow the trail to get him back.  He was sucked into a mysterious mirror into another realm.  Thanks to a witch - you followed.

Not only in this game you have to find your own hot spots, but the hot spots open into several items you have to find (possible in other rooms too) to get to the puzzle.

Along the way you meet a man who was turned into stone as he looked out his own child, yet at the end we don't see that child or even get a back story about how his kid disappeared.

There apparently is another game with the witch trying to get her revenge and I hope its better than the first.

Ashley Clark: The Secret of the Ruby

3.5 out of 5 Stars

Torn between two lovers is one jealous sister.

Category: PC Games
Genre:  Paranormal Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Murders are happening in the here and now, but its all another world fault.  Your the detective who gets transported to this world to find out the innocent person trapped inside a monster's body is who is killing to get revenge on his sister.

Many of the puzzles you can do with your eyes closed, but some you just screw this - SKIP this puzzle.

There is a quick twist at the end - really there are two twists - and some audio, but as the conversations went on - the text was there, but not the audio.

Overall it was closer to 4 stars.