Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mystery of Mortlake Mansion

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Why when one inherits things from distant relatives they never heard from or know about does it have to come with a curse or a haunting?

This is no different as we must purge this house from its evil identity, who we keep guessing who it maybe throughout most of the game.

There are a few spots where you want to give up, but if you fully use the MAP to transport to the locations you want to get to you should be alright.

The hardest part of the games are the GEARS puzzle and the DON'T CROSS THE LINES puzzles at the end.  At least the last one of those in the shape of a cross.

You may expect a little more at the end, but not really comes.  The game itself has its own rhythm and will have you sucked in until the very end.

Plus ~ never blame the evil teddy bear.  It's only needs a little love to get the gift he has for you.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Enlightenus - The Dark Side

4 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Doesn't it blow chunks when your favorite novelist gets stuck between worlds and your the only one who can help find his stories to try to bring him back home to yours?

Welcome to easy puzzles and hide-go-seek 2.0.  The hide and seek puzzles have been kicked up a notch as if you have a carrot ~ that belongs to a rabbit in the magic show.  Or you get a bunch of flowers that must connect to a vase in ancient Rome scene.

It took a little while to get used to connecting the items, but if you get stuck that is what the HINT button is there when it finally gets around to charging, but you can find added charge buttons in scenes to speed it up.

The only downfall of this game is the ending.  That is to say where you've completed all the tasks and you can return to a location where the author gets to share some of the behind-the-scenes of his work, but it just doesn't say "YOUR DONE" go to the "EXTRAS" and get out.  There is a "You've already been there" and you can't go back, but that can get some confused.

PS I think the "Palace" from the balcony scene is a set-up to the next adventure.  If I see it I'll review that too.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nightfall Mysteries - Asylum Conspiracy

5 out of 5 Stars 

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

First of all this is a prequel to the former review of Curse of the Opera.  If you want to see how things are arranged get this game first, but sometimes they are bound together at one price ~ so see if you get that offer.  You don't need to get both as they are good stories alone as well.

This is the typical movie of some scientist gone wrong, but just happens to experiment on those he knows and even kin!

The BONUS feature just got me bored and lost so I ditched doing it and don't regret it.  You get to explore the basement and security tapes and such.  There is no more HELP in BONUS content, but there is SKIP.

Another good twist ending of why this guy is doing what he's doing ~ beyond being mental.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Nightfall Mysteries - The Curse of the Opera

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: Video Games
Genre:  Adventure, Hide and Seek, Puzzles
Console: PC Games

Welcome to the life of a stagehand for a traveling Opera House.

You are also the investigator of why so many folks are getting murdered.

It's not long before you say 'I know who did it' and you will be only half right (don't want to spoil the ending for you by saying more), but go with your gut and you will be half way there.

There are two locations you will be confused.  Finding the numbers for the safe items inside (hint radio station number ~ how cold does demon blood get ~ letter from the drawer in the library.)

The other location is when you need to find the key to the tower.  Statue in the hallway has no eyes, but you have two jewels. 

Overall I loved the story and the twist at the end.