Been playing PC games most of my life and I'm here to voice my opinion about some of them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Labyrinths of the World: A Dangerous Game

5 out of 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Adventure
Console: PC Games

Vacationing in Greece with a female Friend and while visiting some ruins an old board game that is hidden is found.

It's the Jumanji twist of where you're sucked into the game and the only way to get out is to find your Friend and make it to the end of the game.

You have to avoid the crazy man inside who is planning to murder you (and your Friend) so the essence can be transferred into his sick son.

You see the "villain" was desperate to help his sick son by bring them both into the game to shield him from Death.  It didn't stop the sons pain, but it kept him alive until the next victims come into the game.

You meet trolls, elves and dragons along your way.

Interesting Story, Graphics and a lot of interactive to keep you continue to play.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Dark Romance: Winter Lily Collector's Edition

5 out or 5 Stars

Click 2 Enlarge

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Adventure
Console: PC Games

In the main storyline you're following the off brand of Snow White where you play 2 characters trying to stop the Evil Queen.

In the additional game you play trying to save your brother from an Evil King, which has a nice simple twist at the end that sets up nicely the main story.

The puzzles have semi-challenges to complete and the visuals are AMAZING.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Echoes of Sorrow

2 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Paranormal Adventure

When you land yourself into a coma you have plenty time to think and reflect on your life.

You play Rose who ends up doing just that for four aspects of her life.

Her childhood, where she losing her Twin in an accident; her college years where her boyfriend is murdered; prison where a man who claims his innocence is convicted; and Church where your dead Father's ghost resigns until all the Truth is revealed.

The ending is quick and when the "villain" and Truth is revealed you'd expect them to do more than just wait for the police to arrive.

You can knock out all puzzles in a days time.

Good concept for a story game, but if they added perhaps even voice to the game it would be slightly more interesting.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Myth Seekers - The Legacy of Vulcan

5 out of 5 Stars

You play as Amelia who is in a "secret society" (and expert on Roman mythology) whose task is to recover Vulcan's hammer.

You know the guy who used his Hammer and set off a chain of events released the volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii -- or did he?

Juno, Queen of the Gods says Venus can be Vulcan's wife, but she's in love with God of War Mars and then there some revenge and some imprisonment and quite an interesting story thread.

We travel to Italy to interact with several of these ancient Gods of the past to uncover the truth.

We use the several items to create the Thunderbolt to put things right from once it was wrong.

Bellona, Mars only Sister plays a role in this story, but how?

It is a long download, but so worth the time as you're immersed into the game.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kingmaker: Rise to the Throne - Collectors Edition

3.5 out of 5 Stars

Click to Enlarge

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Adventure

Console: PC Games

You know those times when Royals don't follow the rules and run off and marry a commoner and in anger the Dad, the KIng sends you off to war (where you die) at the same time chases off your preggo wife off to give birth losing her life in the process to bring the new heir Prince to life?

Yea - that's the story.

Now when you and your Brother is set up as murders of the King of the Kingdom of Griffinvale - you get to prove your innocence.

The main puzzles are connect the lines without crossing over the same line for the "battle scenes."

Enjoyed the new Puzzle Concept and the story and the animation was nice, but the ending kind of fizzles out with the "Collectors Edition" second story.

Still B+ Game.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Dreamwalker: Never Fall Asleep

3 out of 5 Stars

Dreamwalker:  Never Fall Asleep

(no photo)

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

What's cooler than a shrink?  

A psychic shrink that can go into your mind to find out what is the problems in your life.

You're hired to help find out what is bothering one of her clients and you.

Basic puzzles and interesting story.

Wait until it comes down to 5 bucks then pick it up.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mystery Tales: The Reel Horror - Collector's Edition

5 out of 5 Stars

Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Paranormal Adventures
Console: PC Games

Poor Harold, a man on the police force, is convinced his sister Maya and her fellow building restorers are in danger and trapped in an abandoned movie theatre.

So we must bring in the best Paranormal Detective, that would be you by the way, to find out what is going on.

When does one cross the line?  Well, in Sebastian's story its when he wanted realism so bad that he would kill off the cast of his movies.

Sebastian feeds off others fears so he may return to the real world to create the best horror film of all time.

We have Gorilla's, Fire Jugglers, Hellhounds, Possessions, and even ghosts calling through a cell phone.

And in the BONUS:  What happens when he returns?  

Will there be a final curtain for this maddman?  Or will there be a trilogy in this games plan?

***The only Semi-Con in this game is it seems to go on forever with yet another room or location to investigate, but your paying for a game to get your money worth and I didn't mind overall when the story is this Wonderful.