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Category: PC Games
Genre: Hide and Seek & Puzzles & Adventure
Console: PC Games
Vacationing in Greece with a female Friend and while visiting some ruins an old board game that is hidden is found.
It's the Jumanji twist of where you're sucked into the game and the only way to get out is to find your Friend and make it to the end of the game.
You have to avoid the crazy man inside who is planning to murder you (and your Friend) so the essence can be transferred into his sick son.
You see the "villain" was desperate to help his sick son by bring them both into the game to shield him from Death. It didn't stop the sons pain, but it kept him alive until the next victims come into the game.
You meet trolls, elves and dragons along your way.
Interesting Story, Graphics and a lot of interactive to keep you continue to play.